High voltage amplifier chip
High voltage amplifier chip

high voltage amplifier chip high voltage amplifier chip high voltage amplifier chip

The R and C panel loads driven by a buffer amplifier are ever increasing with the advancement of FPD technology, whereas the constraint on settling time is becoming tighter. As display panels are becoming larger and require higher resolution, driving an FPD will be challenged because the driver has to drive heavy R and C panel loads more effectively, with a faster settling time, less power, and smaller area. Large-sized, high-resolution, flat-panel display (FPD) monitors and TVs require low-power, small-area, high-slew-rate amplifiers as column (data or source) drivers. They also indicated that the layout size of the proposed buffer amplifier was reduced from 5580 μm 2 to 4402 μm 2 (21.1% reduction). The performance evaluation results indicated that 90% and 99.9% falling settling times were improved from 1.947 µs to 0.710 µs (63.5% improvement) and 4.131 µs to 2.406 µs (41.7% improvement), respectively. The proposed column driver IC, having the proposed buffer amplifier for driving a 55-inch 4K ultra-high-definition (UHD) TV panel, was fabricated in a 0.18-μm 1.8-V low-voltage, 1.2-μm 9-V medium-voltage, and 1.6-μm 18-V high-voltage CMOS process.

high voltage amplifier chip

The amplifier also has a structure that adjusts the tail current of the input stage using a very compact adaptive biasing. In the proposed architecture, explicit isolation switches have been embedded into the buffer amplifier resulting in a fast settling response. A high-speed column driver IC with an area-efficient high-slew-rate buffer amplifier is proposed for use in a large-sized, high-resolution TFT-LCD panel application.

High voltage amplifier chip